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  • Submitted: Nov 11 2013 02:06 PM
  • Last Updated: Nov 11 2013 02:06 PM
  • File Size: 36.5KB
  • Views: 33032
  • Downloads: 6,724

Download Pump System Curve Generator

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pump system curve generator


Generate a quick system curve utilizing the pump affinity laws.  Metric units only.

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Supriyo Mukherjee
Nov 16 2013 11:13 AM

Here the curve shows that Head increases with flow. But thats not the case



This is not a pump flow curve. It is a system resistance curve. The system resistance increases with increase in flow. The pump flow curve intersects the system resistance curve and the point of intersection is the pump operating point for flow and head. To understand what is system resistance curve refer the following link:








The curve generated is system resistance, not pump TDH as a function of flow.  The worksheet provides what Ankur stated was provided.


I also expected the relationship you did after glancing at the ordinate and abscissa units, but then noticed the curve title and recalled the title of the worksheet, "Generating Pump System Resistance Curve Using Affinity Laws".

well, I agree with plaverty to change the title of the worksheet

Its a good sheet but missing System total static head.

How could i calculate the same resitance curve for compessible fluids?

Jan 20 2015 11:37 PM

I think we should not call it as head, this is the resistance at downstream of pump which includes the pressure drop of pipeline and other losses.


correct me if I am wrong

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