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  • Submitted: Feb 18 2011 09:50 AM
  • Last Updated: Feb 18 2011 09:50 AM
  • File Size: 607.5KB
  • Views: 23823
  • Downloads: 4,309

Download Flare Stack Calculations

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MS Excel spreadsheet featuring flare stack calculations from API RP 521 based on both the Simple and Brzustowski+Sommer approach for comparison.

This spreadsheet was originally posted by Erwin Apriandi who is not a current member of the community.

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In the Brzustowski’s and Sommer's Approach, the isothermal sonic velocity is calculated as per API 5th edition section C.3.3

isothermal sonic velocity = 91,2 (Tj/Mj)0,5


But the spreadsheet uses a formula that considers the ratio of specific heats

isothermal sonic velocity = 91,2 (Tj*k/Mj)0,5




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