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  • Submitted: Dec 28 2010 02:22 PM
  • Last Updated: Dec 28 2010 02:37 PM
  • File Size: 87.25KB
  • Views: 6392
  • Downloads: 148

Download Moving Slurries About

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Slurries are solid particles in a liquid.  Concentration can vary from mostly liquid to mostly solid.  Slurries are usually transported through pipe work using pumps, pressurised gas or steam.  Different concentrations and different particulate produce different flow characteristics.  Successful slurry transport requires knowledge of the particulate, its transport behaviour in the liquid at different concentrations and speeds, the nature and friction effects of the pipe work system and selection of the right motive method for the application.  This article provides information for transporting slurries of up to 60% solids concentration. 

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