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Community Admin Blog


Online Store And Chexpress Run Coming To An End

Posted by Chris Haslego , in Community Updates 24 January 2015 - * * * * * · 36,812 views

For many years, Christa Semko has been providing us with chemical manufacturing news updates through her blog. For even more years, we've had an online store where you can purchase quality engineering calculations in MS Excel format. We'll be ending both of these features in 2015.

The online software store will close on June 30, 2015. So, please, if y...


Mobile Cheresources.com

Posted by Chris Haslego , in Community Updates 28 September 2012 - - - - - - · 12,339 views
ipad, iphone, android and 2 more...
Mobile Cheresources.com So look, most of us are engineers.  We're still trying to get our hands around the mobile revolution right?  Maybe for some people, it's been easy to leave our desktop or laptop computer behind...but not for us.  There's no question that it will be a long time before most engineers can leave their "real" computers behind, and I realize...


Archiving And Searching Updates

Posted by Chris Haslego , in Community Updates 23 July 2012 - - - - - - · 7,489 views
archive, archiving, search and 2 more...
Archiving And Searching Updates As our community continues to grow, we look for new ways to manage the tremendous amount of information at the site.  A recent change that we've made is to archive forum topics that are beyond 18 months old.

As posts are placed into "Archive" status, they will be at the same URL address, but they will not be able to receive new replies. ...


Some Community Housekeeping

Posted by Chris Haslego , in Community Updates 23 May 2012 - - - - - - · 7,121 views

Some Community Housekeeping If you've been poking around the site recently helping others, you may have noticed various design elements moving around.  

It's been on my TO-DO list to clean up and streamline the site's interface for members who are logged in for a while now.  Here are some changes that we've made for members who are logged in:

Banner at the top of the...


Community Upgrades - May 2012

Posted by Chris Haslego , in Community Updates 03 May 2012 - - - - - - · 9,080 views
community, upgrade, changes
Community Upgrades - May 2012 We just completed what is actually a quite substantial software upgrade here at the site.  Most of the significant changes are best described as "under the hood".  We're hoping to see some performance enhancements and some fundamental changes are happening for future enhancements as well.

There are a few changes that you may notice on the...


Revisiting The Reputation System

Posted by Chris Haslego , in Community Updates 31 January 2012 - - - - - - · 10,926 views
reputation, system, likes
Revisiting The Reputation System A while back, I posted a blog entry on this subject here:


We've had some time to live in the environment and I collected much feedback from the community. I wanted to raise this issue again to see how you think the...


Our Transition Continues: Technical Q & A Database And Che Links

Posted by Chris Haslego , in Community Updates 07 January 2012 - - - - - - · 8,181 views
transition, technical, questions and 2 more...
Our Transition Continues: Technical Q & A Database And Che Links I've completed transitioning a couple of legacy databases over to our new system.

The technical question and answer database has been ported as well as Dr. Bernhard Spang's ChE Links database. Links to these resources will reside under the "FAQ" menu item and you can find them...


New Index Page, Better Searching, And Customer Reviews

Posted by Chris Haslego , in Community Updates 21 November 2011 - - - - - - · 6,103 views
index, page, searching, customer and 1 more...
Our latest update to our site is complete and this one was a long time coming. I'm sure that many of you who frequent our forums long ago bookmarked the address to get straight to the forums. I can't say I blame you as it wasn't as easy as it could be to get around from the main index page...


Online Store Transition Complete

Posted by Chris Haslego , in Community Updates 25 October 2011 - - - - - - · 4,783 views
online, store, transition
If you've been following my blog here, you know that we've been working to transition our entire site into the software that powers our community section. Now, we've completed the transition of the online software store.

We've removed the Online Store legacy menu item at the top of the site and added a category breakdown under the "Store" menu...


Cool Videos For Chemical Engineers

Posted by Chris Haslego , in Technically Interesting 12 October 2011 - * * * * - · 8,179 views
spiral, pvc, heat, pinch and 4 more...
Since I spend much of my blogging time focused on administering our community, I thought it might be fun to throw some interesting videos out on to the blog for all to enjoy. Some of you may already be familiar with pinch valves and spiral heat exchangers, but I thought that since they're not widely used, some may find them interesting.

The pinch valve...


Video Blog: Upcoming Improvements To Cheresources.com - August 2011

Posted by Chris Haslego , in Community Updates 24 August 2011 - - - - - - · 7,393 views
changes, new, interface
We have some exciting changes about to occur in our community via a significant software upgrade. Most controls that you're accustomed to using will remain as they are, but our hope is that the site performs faster and is easier to use.

Rather than screen shots, I thought I would put together a quick video to demonstrate some of the improvements that...


Mobile Cheresources.com - How Will We Get There?

Posted by Chris Haslego , in Community Updates 21 June 2011 - - - - - - · 6,582 views
excel, mobile, future and 1 more...
So, many of us have mobile computing devices these days. Whether it be a smart phone or tablet computer, it seems like these new devices are everywhere! But, there's one thing that is certain....very few of you are using to visit Cheresources.com.

In May 2011, there were over 170,000 visitors to Cheresources.com (some months the site exceeds...


Making It Easier To Include A Drawing With Your Community Posts

Posted by Chris Haslego , in Community Updates 11 May 2011 - - - - - - · 7,488 views
including, attachments, excel and 2 more...
I've long wanted to find a way to make it easier to include drawings with your community forum postings. It just makes it much easier to understand the information that you need to relay.

So, what we've done is to add a couple of resources for you to use right above the "Click to Attach Files" button in the post...


Submit Your Files - Earn An Upgrade

Posted by Chris Haslego , in Community Updates 29 April 2011 - - - - - - · 7,116 views
submit, file, download, earn and 1 more...
Our new download section is officially a hit! It's quite clear that the members of our community love this new feature. One place on our site where you can find the very best download files.

We launched the Download section at the beginning the year via our blog entry...


Two New Downloads You Don't Want To Miss

Posted by Chris Haslego , in Community Updates 15 April 2011 - - - - - - · 6,089 views
compressed, data, exchangers and 4 more...
You know, sometimes our community members really amaze me! Their willingness to take time out of their busy lives to help others makes me very proud of our community.

Art Montemayor and Dale Gulley (of Gulley & Associates) have collaborated on a heat transfer workbook that every...


Is This The Future Of Water?

Posted by Chris Haslego , in Making a Difference 31 March 2011 - * * * * * · 6,582 views
desalination, forward, osmosis and 2 more...
It seems like more and more often, people in the chemical industry want to talk about WATER. Put fairly simply, they want to use less water by recycling the water they do use or finding innovative ways to use water efficiently.

It's not surprising. The world grows, but the amount of usable water stays fairly constant, it just goes around in a circle...


Hall Of Fame Community Downloads

Posted by Chris Haslego , in Community Updates 21 March 2011 - - - - - - · 6,767 views
downloads, hall, fame, community and 1 more...
Over the years, many of our community members have shared some really useful spreadsheets and other tools here on our site. However, as our community grows larger and larger, some of these great tools have gotten pushed to the back of the line and can easily get lost in the shear number of conversations taking place in our community.

Today, we're...


Keeping Your Email Address Up To Date

Posted by Chris Haslego , in Community Updates 07 March 2011 - - - - - - · 5,283 views
keep, email, address, up, to and 1 more...
Remember the last time that you felt that knot in your stomach when you discovered that you had to change your email address? We use our email addresses everywhere...including our favorite chemical engineering community site.

As we send out our bi-weekly updates to keep you currently on what's available on the site, we sometimes receive bounce back...


Introducing Our Community Service Program

Posted by Chris Haslego , in Community Updates 17 February 2011 - - - - - - · 6,192 views
program, service, community and 2 more...
I've been trying to think of a nice way to reward those in our community who have consistently shown a high level of valuable input and really helped make our online home special. I think that I've come up with something that most of your will find valuable, but we may do some more interesting things later as well.


Engineering Tips - Great Resource

Posted by Chris Haslego , in Blog This! Features 10 February 2011 - - - - - - · 5,616 views
process, engineering, tips
Excellent link to the JM Campbell Company website below which appeared in our forums. Check it out.

Did you know this resource? Hope you find it useful.




Community Update: Article Transition Underway

Posted by Chris Haslego , in Community Updates 03 February 2011 - - - - - - · 4,865 views
article, transition
As our transition continues here at Cheresources.com, you may start to notice that our articles are beginning to look a little.....well.....better! We've begun the process of porting over our articles in the main section of the site to our new community driven system.

If you have bookmarks or links to our articles, no worries, all of the old URL...


What's New For 2011?

Posted by Chris Haslego , in Community Updates 03 January 2011 - - - - - - · 7,759 views
consolidation, facebook, 2011 and 3 more...
What new for 2011? In short, a lot. But, first, let me tell you why. For over a decade, Cheresources.com has been growing and growing. Over that time, our systems, databases, and overall look has diverged into separate sections. If you're viewing an article and then go to the online store or the community/forum section, it felt like you went to a...


Understanding Your Community Profile

Posted by Chris Haslego , in Community Updates 23 December 2010 - - - - - - · 5,877 views
community, profile, privacy, user and 1 more...
Happy Holidays to All,

I wanted to take a few minutes to explain what details on your community profile are visible to whom.

When you complete your profile, you can choose to keep some details private or make them public. Let me explain what we mean by "public".

First, only a registered member of the community who is logged into the site can...


Water Content Of Natural Gas

Posted by Chris Haslego , in Blog This! Features 08 December 2010 - - - - - - · 6,573 views
water, content, natural, gas
This is the final posting of what turned into a fantastic discussion with regards to estimating the water content of natural gas streams. Take advantage of all of the research that these folks did and even download a spreadsheet to check against your own calculations. Go all the way to the bottom of the thread to download the last version of the...


Chexpress Is Joining The Community

Posted by Chris Haslego , in Community Updates 02 December 2010 - - - - - - · 6,272 views
chexpress, blog, track, christa
In a trend that you'll see continuing over the next year, ChExpress will be moving from it's current location on the main body of the site, into our community section.

ChExpress, in case you don't follow the updates, is our chemical processing industry new brief producted by our editor Christa Semko on a bi-weekly basis. It's meant to give...


Watching Forums And Topics

Posted by Chris Haslego , in Community Updates 29 November 2010 - - - - - - · 5,106 views
content, topics, watch, new and 1 more...
I received a great question this afternoon:

I am trying to figure out if there is a way to subscribe to RSS feeds to new content posted in different forums... or perhaps to get a daily email alert of new content.

Is this possible? If so, please describe the process.


Do I Need A Reflux Drum?

Posted by Chris Haslego , in Blog This! Features 22 November 2010 - - - - - - · 5,608 views
need, reflux, distillation, drum
Somtimes, there is a community forum conversation where so much great information and insight is shared that I like to bring it to everyone's attention. Below is one such posting where some community members debate the need for a reflux drum on a distillation column. If you want to add your experiences to this conversation, use the link below and post...


Member Status And Reputation

Posted by Chris Haslego , in Community Updates 18 November 2010 - - - - - - · 9,785 views
reputation, status, member
When browsing around our community, you may have noticed that some members are decorated with "ChE Jedi" or "Excellent" reputations. I thought I'd take some time to explain these ratings and ask for suggestions for changes. Drop your suggestions in the comments...


Quickly Interact With Other Community Members

Posted by Chris Haslego , in Community Updates 16 November 2010 - - - - - - · 5,093 views
member, profiles, contact and 1 more...
Following my last blog posting entitled "Enjoy Our Community, But Protect Your Email Address", another blog posting about how to safely interact with other community members seemed appropriate.

There are a couple of...


Enjoy Our Community, But Protect Your Email Address

Posted by Chris Haslego , in Community Updates 02 November 2010 - - - - - - · 7,811 views
protect, email, address, online and 1 more...
I wanted to post a quick blog entry on a subject that I should have commented on long ago. In the process of exchanging ideas and helpful attachments, many of our community members are posting their email addresses in the community forum in the body of their posts.....really bad idea.

By posting your email address in body of a community forum post,...

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