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There have been 30 items by Chris Haslego (Search limited from 21-September 23)

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Distillation Theoretical Stages Calculator in Free File Repository -> Excel Spreadsheets

What is the password to edit data?? i want to add...
  • Chris Haslego
  • 02 April 2015 - 05:45 PM

Physical Properties MS Excel Add-In in Free File Repository -> Excel Spreadsheets

Can this work in Excel 2013? I haven't tested in Excel 2013,...
  • Chris Haslego
  • 22 November 2013 - 09:15 AM

Gas Pipeline Blowdown Time Calculator 1.1 in Free File Repository -> Excel Spreadsheets

Thanks. I can use spreadsheet like this, however in imperial units....
  • Chris Haslego
  • 17 August 2013 - 06:40 PM

Pipe and Storage Tank Heat Loss Calculators in Community Hall of Fame

What contains the last update (24.06.2013) ? Could You update description? Yes,...
  • Chris Haslego
  • 27 June 2013 - 07:24 AM

Pressure Drop Calculations for Power Law Fluids in Free File Repository -> Excel Spreadsheets

I need a password to use this Excel software. Do anyone...
  • Chris Haslego
  • 12 June 2013 - 02:31 PM

Crane Fluid Flow Examples in MS Excel 1.11 in Community Hall of Fame

Good One thanks...Can I have the Password to unprotect the spread...
  • Chris Haslego
  • 13 May 2013 - 01:04 PM

Process Engineering Calculations in Free File Repository -> Excel Spreadsheets

please tell me how can i download this file.... Click the green...
  • Chris Haslego
  • 29 April 2013 - 12:39 PM

Thermodynamic and Transport Properties of Water and Steam in Free File Repository -> Excel Spreadsheets

You can find some instructions for installing an add-on here: http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/excel-help/load-or-unload-add-in-programs-HP010096834.aspx Also, make...
  • Chris Haslego
  • 20 March 2013 - 06:12 PM

Condensate Line Sizing in Free File Repository -> Excel Spreadsheets

I didn't actually produce this spreadsheet and I can't find the...
  • Chris Haslego
  • 12 February 2013 - 08:31 AM

Thermodynamic and Transport Properties of Water and Steam in Free File Repository -> Excel Spreadsheets

Check your security settings in Excel.
  • Chris Haslego
  • 18 December 2012 - 10:24 AM

Ejector Dry Air Equivalent (DAE) Calculations 1.01 in Free File Repository -> Blog Attachments

I've added a MS Excel version for 2007.
  • Chris Haslego
  • 27 November 2012 - 02:56 PM

Steam Tracing Calculator in Free File Repository -> Excel Spreadsheets

Couple of things to check: Make sure you downloaded the...
  • Chris Haslego
  • 10 October 2012 - 11:33 AM

Estimating Heat Capacities for Solutions with Dissolved Solids 1.01 in Free File Repository -> Excel Spreadsheets

The error in the workbook was that the metric numbers were...
  • Chris Haslego
  • 18 September 2012 - 08:14 AM

ASME Pressure Vessel Design - Various Vessels in Free File Repository -> Excel Spreadsheets

I have sent a message to the author of the file asking for a response to your question.
  • Chris Haslego
  • 12 September 2012 - 01:56 PM

Crane Fluid Flow Examples in MS Excel 1.11 in Community Hall of Fame

If anyone else is having this issue, try to access the...
  • Chris Haslego
  • 20 March 2012 - 12:22 PM

Crane Fluid Flow Examples in MS Excel 1.11 in Community Hall of Fame

Do you have Solver installed in your version of Excel?
  • Chris Haslego
  • 09 March 2012 - 09:53 PM

Thermodynamic and Transport Properties of Water and Steam in Free File Repository -> Excel Spreadsheets

You have to install this as an Excel Add-in. See this link for details: Installing an Excel Add-In
  • Chris Haslego
  • 05 March 2012 - 01:29 PM

Thermodynamic and Transport Properties of Water and Steam in Free File Repository -> Excel Spreadsheets

It's an Excel Add-In. It has to be installed as an add-in rather than opened as a typical excel file.
  • Chris Haslego
  • 24 February 2012 - 07:34 AM

Crane Fluid Flow Examples in MS Excel 1.11 in Community Hall of Fame

Check a couple of things: 1. Be sure that macros are...
  • Chris Haslego
  • 23 February 2012 - 02:40 PM

Process Engineering Calculations in Free File Repository -> Excel Spreadsheets

The file appears to be fine. I'll PM you with the file attached.
  • Chris Haslego
  • 10 February 2012 - 08:10 AM

Orifice Flow Calculator for Gases, Steam, and Vapors 1.11 in Free File Repository -> Excel Spreadsheets

Corrected version 1.1 of the spreadsheet has been uploaded.
  • Chris Haslego
  • 07 October 2011 - 07:21 AM

Orifice Flow Calculator for Gases, Steam, and Vapors 1.11 in Free File Repository -> Excel Spreadsheets

I've sent a note to the author to have a look.
  • Chris Haslego
  • 06 October 2011 - 02:36 PM

Pipe Size Optimization for Carbon and Stainless Steel Pipes in Free File Repository -> Excel Spreadsheets

You can see the introduction sheet for reference information on the method presented.
  • Chris Haslego
  • 25 September 2011 - 08:40 AM

Steam Tracing Calculator in Free File Repository -> Excel Spreadsheets

I've sent a PM to the author and will await his reply.
  • Chris Haslego
  • 13 September 2011 - 01:05 PM

Pressure Drop Calculations for Power Law Fluids in Free File Repository -> Excel Spreadsheets

We'll get to work on a revision.
  • Chris Haslego
  • 31 August 2011 - 03:18 PM