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Chemical and Process Engineering Resources

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Why can't I post topics or download files after registering for access?

When you sign up for access to the Community section, you will be sent an email to the address that you specify during registration. This is to "validate" that you've supplied a correct email address. After registering, your account is placed in "validating" mode until you click on the link included in the email sent to your address.

While in validating mode, you can log in to the Community section, but you won't be granted permission to post topics or download files until you click the link in the email that is sent to you.

Once your email address has been validated, your account is upgraded from "validating" to "member". At that time, you'll be granted access to post in the community and download files.

We do all of this to minimize spam registrations and keep our Community members safe.

If you provide a false email address when registering, you won't receive the validating email and your account will remain in validating mode. If your account is in validating mode for 10 days, your account will be deleted.

If you simply did NOT receive your validation email, please check any SPAM filters that you have enabled. If you need help with validating your account, contact us at support[enter the "at" symbol]cheresources.com.
Background Information: If you've registered for access to the Community and then logged in, you may still not be able to post new questions or download files because your account has not yet been validated.


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