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Studying Chemical Engineering In Malaysia

Posted by rowanlim , in Students 01 November 2010 - - - - - - · 18,221 views
study, malaysia, chemical and 1 more...
I wrote this entry thinking about Malaysian students coming to the end of their high school life, 17 yr old youngsters who thought "Hey chemical engineering sounds like a good field, but how do I go about it in Malaysia?" This was the question I asked myself 5 yrs ago & I hope to present my view as unbiased as possible & maybe a young...


A New Graduate View: What Is Chemical Engineering?

Posted by rowanlim , in Students 05 October 2010 - * * * * * · 7,191 views
view, student, engineering and 4 more...
I remember the time when I'd just finished my pre-university course and wondered, "what career do I want to do?" I was a brilliant student, business and accounting were NOT for me, and I knew I wanted to go into something science-related but I didn't want to be involved in research. Be a doctor? Nah I'd probably...

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