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  • Submitted: Jun 20 2011 01:02 PM
  • Last Updated: Dec 06 2011 08:26 AM
  • File Size: 1.11MB
  • Views: 29101
  • Downloads: 15,972

Previous Versions

  • 20 Jun 2011 Download Density to Temperature Correlations for Hydrocarbons

Download Density to Temperature Correlations for Hydrocarbons 1.1

* * * * - 18 Votes
density temperature correlations hydrocarbons

The attached spreadsheet is an implementation that follows the calculation methods described in the Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards, Chapter 11.

Originally based on the use of tables, the calculations are now the standard. This spreadsheet has been independently tested and no errors found. However, users should be sure they are familiar with the MPMS advice on the use of the standard; e.g. the limits of applicability, its use for non standard commodities etc.

This spreadsheet uses 15 °C as the base temperature. It does not allow for pressure correction.

The layout is optimized for marine bunkering operations but the calculations are valid for all the commodity groups as per the standard.

Refer to the pdf instructions for use for use in other applications. A separate pdf file explains how to use the spreadsheet to create a permanent record of the observation and how to re-create any calculation as required.

As per any such spreadsheet, it should only be used as a tool by those familiar with the standard and the normal methods of determining density at various temperatures.

It is advisable to verify the accuracy before placing reliance on the calculations.

What's New in Version 1.1 (See full changelog)

  • Added an alternative layout (13AC).

Disclaimer: All software provided "As-Is" with no warranty, expressed or implied, available. See our Terms of Use for more information.

This spreadsheet has been optimised for marine applications and though it is usable for for other applications, over the years some variations have been produced.
I would appreciate any feedback from users so that I may create a more user friendly version for more general use.
Plus of course, telling me about any bugs.
PS: the commodities groups grow all the time.
This spreadsheet includes quite a few and it allows users to enter their own k0 and k1 factors.
One of the potential uses for this spreadsheet is with bio products but at this time there is no available commodity data that I am aware of.

It seems to me this may be a complex issue to solve because of the variety of organic sources for bio products, the different processing they undergo and because of the variety of ways bio products may be used; either neat or blended with various different hydrocarbons. For example, fuels for domestic transport appear to be blends.
I'm not sure how relevant it is to consider that syntehic lubricants appear not to require a separate user group.

If anyone uses this for bios and has found some workable values of K0 and K1 for user entered factors, it would be nice to share them (if allowed; this data may be commercially sensitive until such time as the various committees address the problem).

SG@T = Sqrt(SG@60^2-6.1E-04*(T-60))

For instance Specific Gravity at 60°F  is 0.80.  What is the Specific Gravity when heated to 300°F?

SG@T = Sqrt( 0.80^2-6.1e-4(300-60)) = 0.703.


  easy eh?

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