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  • Submitted: Jan 28 2013 02:57 PM
  • Last Updated: Jan 28 2013 02:57 PM
  • File Size: 2.59MB
  • Views: 12953
  • Downloads: 3,450

Download Two Phase Separator Design Notes and Checklist

* * * * - 5 Votes
two phase vessel vapor liquid vertical horizontal design notes checklist


An excellent collection of information on the design of both vertical and horizontal separation vessels.  Complete with a design checklist at the end of the document.

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Bobby Strain
Jan 28 2013 04:57 PM
This article is certainly filled with information! I see references to Shell's DEP often on the internet. Did you get their permission to use it for this article? This article should be a great help to anyone wanting to learn how to design separators, and what is important. I would be interested to know how your spreadsheet results compare with programs at www.bobby-strain-group.com. Especially look at the sample horizontal sizing program. The programs are hard-coded and locked, and they actually produce a design. Most spreadsheets I have seen use the "poke and hope" method.


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