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  • Submitted: May 19 2015 09:35 AM
  • Last Updated: May 19 2015 09:35 AM
  • File Size: 422.41KB
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Download Amine Sweetening Unit Preliminary Design

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amine sweetening preliminary design


This excel workbook provides simplified empirical equations based on GPSA Engineering Databook to estimate size and power requirements of various equipment required in a conventional Amine Sweetening Unit used for removal of H2S and CO2 from sour natural gas.

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Can you please do the same for a natural gas dehydration unit using TEG in imperial units if possible?

great , Tanks !

useful work article

Aug 12 2015 12:47 PM

Subject: High number of grains in regenerated MDEA in gas sweetening


Hi, We have been facing problem that the number of grains in regenerated MDEA are higher (50 grains/gal), whereas, normally value is between 20-28 grains/gal. The strength of the MDEA is 48-50 but grains are high as listed above. The Regenerator Temp is 235 F, Press= 8-9 psi Reflux condensor temp 180-190F and P= 2-3 psi.

Reboiler P = 7 psi. Flow rate of MDEA is 33GPM for 6 mmscfd gas having H2S content =9800 ppm.

The conditions/ parameters are in the range and even not fluctuating but still we are observing high grains even at regenerated Temp 235F and strength of MDEA is in the range.

 Please guide what problem causing the Grains towards higher side.....???




very good!

sir...during amine sweetning process .. we found the increase in the chloride in our system ... what is the reason for the increase of chloride??

Please help


Thank you

Jul 24 2016 04:19 AM

can we still use this example of calculation with a mixture of Amine solution and no H2S in the sour gas? ( we have MDEA and DEA

Dec 31 2016 06:58 PM

Hi, I have a question if someone can help. Normally antifoam is injected at upstream of Contactor i.e. down stream of circulation pump, if we inject it at suction of circulation (charge) pump. will it work ? will there be any effect on charge pump. we want to replace the injection point to low pressure point to decrease load on it. Please help. Thanks 

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