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What's Wrong In My Hx Simulation?

exchanger temperature

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#1 A_D_M_MII


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Posted 12 February 2021 - 11:11 AM

Hi everyone,


I am doing a university project which consist in a simulation of a reforming plant, i have put all specifications of all HX, but there must be something wrong with one of them:


It's a tema BXM exchanger, when i put all the geometry specifications it's clear that there must be a problem because both outlet temperatures increase! 


Tube side IN: 900º


Shell side IN water: 262ºC


But when it starts to calculate... both currents have aproximately 2000 ºC !! WHAT?!


It's supossed to be a boiler, so the water should have a the same temperature at the exit of the HX.


I don' t know what i could be doing bad, the rest of HX converge with no problem!


I am new with HYSYS so i am sure that here must be someone who knows whats is happening.


Thank you so much!


:)  :)  :)







#2 Pilesar


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Posted 12 February 2021 - 01:31 PM

A non-converged simulation unit may not give reasonable results and its stream results cannot be relied upon to give valid cues for troubleshooting. Get a converged run first even if that is not where your final answer is to be. Change your specifications to something simple that is sure to converge to see if it behaves like it should. Reduced flow rates to very low amounts. Once you get a converged run, review the answer thoroughly for the unexpected. You can gradually make parameter changes to 'sneak up' on the final solution and find out where it breaks.. 

#3 latexman


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Posted 12 February 2021 - 08:08 PM

“ What's Wrong In My Hx Simulation?”

I don’t know, you really did not give us much to go on, like a copy of the input, output, convergence results, components, thermo methods, etc.

It could be almost anything.

Edited by latexman, 12 February 2021 - 08:12 PM.

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