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Pressure Drop For Vertical Piping

pressure drop vertical piping height friction pressure gas

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#1 zamakaze


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Posted 01 June 2021 - 02:59 PM



im trying to calculate the pr. drop in vertical piping for gas.

i have a vertical section where gas goes down in elevation 5 ft

the pressure at starting point is 85 psig

since there is fall of 5 ft i assume pr. gain can be calculate as = rho x g x h2-h1 where h2 is 5ft , h1 is 0 ft

for frictional drop can we just use the darcy eqn for vertical or there are some other considerations??

attachd sktch



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#2 latexman


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Posted 01 June 2021 - 03:30 PM

That looks right.  It's the Bernoulli equation with friction included.   Don't forget the fittings (2 elbows).

#3 breizh


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Posted 01 June 2021 - 07:05 PM


The head loss due to the vertical part (altimetry) is very minimum ,negligable .  Bernoulli equation to apply. 

Don't forget the elbows in your calculation .

Good luck


#4 fallah


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Posted 01 June 2021 - 10:41 PM


im trying to calculate the pr. drop in vertical piping for gas.

i have a vertical section where gas goes down in elevation 5 ft

the pressure at starting point is 85 psig

since there is fall of 5 ft i assume pr. gain can be calculate as = rho x g x h2-h1 where h2 is 5ft , h1 is 0 ft

for frictional drop can we just use the darcy eqn for vertical or there are some other considerations??

attachd sktch




For gaseous fluid there is no significant difference in pressure drop calculation for vertical and horizontal lines...

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