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Heating Coil Design For Cstr

heat transfer

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#1 zaidanamir


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Posted 29 October 2023 - 11:00 PM

Hi everyone,


So i was tasked to design a CSTR with an internal diameter of 1600 mm and height of 2880 mm (TL to TL, 1.8 ratio). I've already calculated the HTC and found the heat transfer surface requirement. However, as per my knowledge, the heating coil height must be equal to the liquid height inside the reactor. In this case the liquid height is estimated at 2230 mm (from bottom TL). If this is the case, then based on my calculation the heating area available ( wrap around the vessel + bottom torispherical ) is not sufficient to meet the requirement. Is there any solution to this? Or the heating coil height can basically be above the liquid height. But i wonder, is this going to affect the overall HTC and adjustment is needed in the calculation? 



#2 breizh


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Posted 29 October 2023 - 11:27 PM


review this paper to confirm your calculations.

CheCalc ‐ Jacketed Vessel Heat Transfer


note : You may want to consider an external heat exchanger , more efficient way to cope with heat transfer. 


#3 zaidanamir


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Posted 30 October 2023 - 12:48 AM

Hi breizh,


Thanks for the reference. I've already used it to calculate the HTC. I'll even check with CheCalc and the result relatively the same. 

Yes, the use of external exchanger can provide the solution. However, does the heating coil height must be equal with the liquid height inside the vessel. If this is a yes and mandatory then external exchanger is the only option. 



#4 breizh


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Posted 30 October 2023 - 12:52 AM


Yes the height of the coil should cover the height of the liquid , more is useless.

Another option could be to add an internal coil inside the reactor if the risk of coating is minimum.


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