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Flare Knock Out Drum Design Consideration

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#1 sima-f


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Posted 14 November 2023 - 01:52 AM

Hi, i have a question;

when shall the valve installed at the inlet of the flare knock out drum? is it necessary? Is there a standard in this regard?

best regard


#2 sima-f


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Posted 14 November 2023 - 02:43 AM

and is it necessary to considered spectacle blind or removable spool for this issue?

#3 breizh


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Posted 14 November 2023 - 03:34 AM


Don't understand the query. your system is supposed to work with the Ko drum in service. No need to get valve. Up to you if you want to isolate the drum during shut down. Blind is the ultimate equipment, not valve.


#4 fallah


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Posted 14 November 2023 - 03:40 AM

Hi, i have a question;

when shall the valve installed at the inlet of the flare knock out drum? is it necessary? Is there a standard in this regard?

best regard




In general, there is no need to consider isolation valve at the inlet of flare KOD; instead for isolation of flare system from the relevant unit a LO isolation valve is normally considered along the main header at B.L of the plant area and offsite...

#5 fallah


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Posted 14 November 2023 - 03:43 AM

and is it necessary to considered spectacle blind or removable spool for this issue?




The spectacle blind (or spacer/spade depending on the main header size) would normally be installed at downstream of the mentioned LO isolation valve at the B.L. for positive isolation...

#6 shvet1


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Posted 14 November 2023 - 06:34 AM


when shall the valve installed at the inlet of the flare knock out drum?


When KO drum shall be separated from flare system. Does you system need such option?



and is it necessary to considered spectacle blind or removable spool for this issue?


The same as above. See HSG 253 for details.

#7 Bitan729


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Posted 15 November 2023 - 10:41 AM

It is required to isolate the KOD in case if internal inspection or cleaning is needed. In general , it is good idea to put provision of isolate KOD by putting gate valve or spectacle blind for positive isolation. Generally during annual or major shutdown of total production unit, when flare inspection is also scheduled, it is necessary to positive isolate KOD

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