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Extension Reaction Kinetic In Hysys

hysys extension reaction kinetic

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#1 Ulbert Zsolt

Ulbert Zsolt

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Posted 29 March 2024 - 06:44 PM

In a HYSYS simulation task, I would like to use my own defined reaction kinetics for all 36 reactions by defining an extension reaction kinetics. ASPEN knowledge center gives an example, including a visual basic code, on how to prepare an extension reaction kinetics:
In the code, the reaction and all the reactants are defined directly. When I open the property window of reaction Rxn-1 (see the attached picture) I can see the reactant names and their Stoic. Coefficients. Using the definition in this way the extension reaction kinetic cannot be used generally (for all reactions). Does this mean that I have to define a separate extension reaction kinetics for all reactions i.e. I cannot use the same extension kinetics for all reactions?   
An additional problem is that the extension reaction kinetic Container ( HYSYS.ExtnKineticReactionContainer) has no member for the component's forward and reverse order, as a consequence there is no cells allocated in the Rxn-1 window for components orders.
Do you have any idea how to define a general extension reaction kinetic usable for all reactions?
Thank you, 

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#2 Pilesar


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Posted 29 March 2024 - 08:44 PM

I suggest you contact the tech support for your software for the most timely and accurate answers. This support service should be included in your software license fee. The support engineers know much about the software and they can find out what they do not know about your specific questions. Your application is not common and it may be that the developers did not anticipate this usage. If this is a missing feature, then contacting the tech support is the best way to let them know it would be useful to include in a future version.

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