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Need Help On Hysys - Valve Opening Vs Valve Cv

cv valve opening control valve hysys

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#1 marcoz1121


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Posted 19 May 2024 - 06:33 AM

Hi fellow forumers,


Currently I am doing a control valve simulation on HYSYS. I have the valve datasheet that already specified the parameters including flow, valve opening, valve CV etc.


I am trying to mimic the datasheet (which i know that i cant because the valve manufacturer may use their own software on sizing the valve). However, I tried to simulate the valve, and I found that at given flowrate and delta P, when I increased the valve opening, the Cv actually decreased. I thought that increasing the valve opening will lead to increasing Cv.


Hope I can get some insight on this. Thank you

#2 latexman


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Posted 19 May 2024 - 07:29 AM

It’s not perfectly clear to me exactly what you did. Was flow rate constant for all CV openings? Was dP constant for all CV openings? The way I interpret what you said, both flow rate and dP were constant for all valve openings. That sounds over-specified to me.  Can you provide more details please?

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