Hello everyone,
I am interested in the case of liquid movement scenario. By liquid movement, I mean the continuous flow out of thank, which causes vacuum. Hence in breathing of air is required.
I found somewhere that the equation to calculate the amount of in-breathing equivalent air flow is:
Vair = Vliquid,outlet * sqrt(ρair / ρnormal)
Vair is the normal volumetric flowrate of air equivalent for in breathing in Nm3/h
Vliquid, outlet is the volumetric flowrate of the liquid from the tank in m3/h
ρair is the density of air at the temperature of air in kg/m3
ρnormal is the density at normal conditions in kg/m3
My question is how to derive the above equation?
(I looked in API 2000, but the formula to calculate the air equivalent is much more complicated.)