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What Kind Of Cooling System Should I Use To Cool Down A Jacketed Mixin

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#1 HollyBoni


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Posted 31 January 2025 - 01:32 PM

Hey everyone! First time posting here.

I work at a company where we make various cosmetic products like sunscreens, body lotions etc. Mostly creams and gels. 


Our main mixing machine uses 150L jacketed tanks with built in heating. We usually heat up most of the ingredients right in the tank, and after we mix everything, we need to cool the product down. For now we've been running tap water through the tanks, but that's a horrible solution. We want to build some kind of a cooling system.


Based on some research, I think a suitable solution would be a simple dry cooler in the winter and colder months, and/or some kind of water chiller in the summer. But i'm not sure, I don't know what the "industry standard" solution for cooling is. The dry cooler seems like a simple solution, but i'm very unfamiliar with chillers.

We usually heat the water in the jacket of the tank to around 70-90C. When we cool down the product itself, we usually shoot for a temperature of about 30C. So i'm guessing the temperature of the water in the tank should be around 20-25C? In the winter it gets down to freezing temperatures around here, our summers are usually very hot, and it can get up to 38-40C.
We're very short on space, but we have some space available in a storage room next to our mixing machine. It's covered, but not heated or cooled.
Right now we only have one mixing machine that needs cooling, but we plan to get more machines in the future. 

So based on our needs, what kind of cooling system/solution should we be looking at?

Thank you! 


#2 breizh


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Posted 01 February 2025 - 12:32 AM


Yes, you can use both dry cooling and wet cooling tower. Plenty of references on the web.

The best way to cool your product is to use an external Heat exchanger with pump.

Yes, in summertime you can use chilled water instead of cooling water.

EDIT : Alternative to cooling water 

Good luck


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