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  • Submitted: Feb 12 2013 12:05 PM
  • Last Updated: Nov 11 2013 02:22 PM
  • File Size: 469KB
  • Views: 33689
  • Downloads: 9,005

Previous Versions

  • 12 Feb 2013 Download Maximum Allowable Pressure of Pipes and Pipelines

Download Maximum Allowable Pressure of Pipes and Pipelines 1.1

* * * * - 4 Votes
maximum allowable pressure pipes pipelines gpsa calculation


This spreadsheet provides quick reference and calulations for the maximum allowable pressure for a user identified service for in plant process piping, liquid and gas pipelines. This is also useful for operations personnel performing modifications on the pipelines and piping as well as for preliminery design checks.


This is not meant to replace a systematic design performed with full referencing to the precise applicable clauses/sub-clauses of the relavant codes and standards.

What's New in Version 1.1 (See full changelog)

  • In the columns of Do, Sch No, Weight & Wall thickness few cells data was corrected. These Cells have been highlighted in Yellow color for ease of identification of changes - e.g., For 12" size earlier Sch 60 and XS wall thk values were wrongly entered but now rightly interchanged (this particular error was pointed out by our fellow member, Mr.sfol55 - Thanks). Following this error, I have re-checked the entire 4 columns of Do/Sch / Wt / wall thickness and fixed few more errors. I express my sincere apologies for these mistakes.

Disclaimer: All software provided "As-Is" with no warranty, expressed or implied, available. See our Terms of Use for more information.

Thank  you sir for sharing  your  valuable  knowledge with us.

Steve Coleman
Mar 17 2013 06:31 PM
This is a first class spread sheet.  It covers all the codes and material data in one Excel file.  If your an engineer, this is a must have.

Thank you for your stuff. well done. keep up

Thank you very much

Jan 14 2014 05:41 PM

Thank you very much

Sheet was very much useful. So much information within a sheet. Really good

Aug 22 2018 01:03 AM

Thank you for sharing the file 

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