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Problem With Heat Exchanger Rating Using Htri Xist

heat exchanger simulation rating htri steam design heat transfer overdesign surface area temperature

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#1 abolghasem202


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Posted 15 October 2019 - 02:50 AM

Dear all,


I have a problem in thermal rating of a shell and tube heat exchanger using HTRI V7.3. I would appreciate your kind suggestions on my problem.


This exchanger is going to be used for utilizing steam at about P= 44bar and T>400C for heating a process stream from 34C to 232C. 


I have run this exchanger in two cases:

Case 1: Inlet steam temperature = 410C.

Case 2: Inlet steam temperature = 415C.


Cold side properties and exchanger geometry are the same for the two cases. The only difference is inlet steam temperature.


Im not expecting to have a significant difference in obtained results for the two cases, e.g. overdesign percent. But HTRI results are so different for the two cases. Some of the HTRI results are:


Case 1: Overall heat transfer coefficient = 469kcal/m2-hr-C, Overdesign=51.39%.

Case 2: Overall heat transfer coefficient = 329kcal/m2-hr-C, Overdesign=3.6%.


Does it really make that much difference to have a steam temperature of 410 and 415C?


Rating results of HTRI for the cases are attached.


Awaiting your kind responses.


Attached File  Case1.jpg   149.48KB   8 downloads

Attached File  Case 2.jpg   151.55KB   5 downloads

#2 Pilesar


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Posted 15 October 2019 - 08:28 AM

The number of baffles is different between the two cases.

#3 abolghasem202


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Posted 16 October 2019 - 08:31 AM

Thanks for the reply.


However, but in my attached images, the baffle spacing and tube length are the same for the two cases. So, I would expect the same number of baffles. 

#4 Pilesar


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Posted 16 October 2019 - 10:30 AM

Case 1 has twice the number of baffles of Case 2 despite your expectations. Count them.

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