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Design Of An Air Classifier

classification separation cement dry

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#1 juangrave22


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Posted 17 September 2021 - 10:56 AM

Hi everyone, 


I am a CE student and I am doing my graduate thesis. My work seeks to separate a dry solid cement sample into 4 particle sizes ( cut sizes or d50s defined = 5 um , 11 um , 22 um , 45 um ).


For the 5 um d50 stream, i'm choosing to implement a cyclone separator. Currently im looking for classifiers that works with DPCs in sizes 11,22 and 45 um, and in this range cyclones aren't recommended.



I found that dynamic air classifiers are used for this range, but I cannot find a bibliography that details the design of these equipment, I only find an offer of classifiers from industrial companies and i need to design it.

For this purpose im posting this message, looking for your help on a theorical-bibliographic reference for this equipment design.


Thank you,



#2 horatorres


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Posted 23 September 2021 - 08:52 PM



Do it simple,,,,  German companies are the best for microdust separations.. hereafter you will find one of them, follow  the subject and you will find theoretical papers







seach this paper         A New Rotor-Type Dynamic Classifier: Structural Optimization and Industrial Applications Fangchao Jia, Xinliang Mou, Ying Fang * and Chuanwen Chen *  MDIP web site






#3 breizh


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Posted 23 September 2021 - 09:15 PM


To add to Horacio's support , you may consider to check for : Jet classifier  Mill  using your favorite search engine .

Good luck


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