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Aspen Edr - S&t: Process Side Series / Cw Side Parallel

parallel edr aspen series heat exchanger shell tube

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#1 mitch22


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Posted 06 February 2023 - 06:36 AM


I would like to make an exchanger with two shells with the fluid side process in series in the two shells and the cw (tubes side) in parallel. Do you know if it is possible and how to set it to Aspen EDR?
I made a small scheme to better explain the problem.
Thank you for your cooperation.

#2 Pilesar


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Posted 06 February 2023 - 09:47 AM

I would set this up as two exchangers in series in the flowsheet and design them individually. The optimum design may be different for the two shells. Cooling water is a utility that is generally in parallel with many exchangers and does not need special treatment here. Unless using only one exchanger makes it too large, two shells in series will likely be more expensive. 

#3 AlexD


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Posted 10 April 2023 - 09:13 AM

It is possible - Go to Exchanger Geometry -> Shell/Heads/Flanges/Tubesheets -> Overall flow for multiple shells.
You should add 2 shells in series minimum

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