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Asme Certification For Water Pipes, Rotor

asme pressure certification

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#1 Orzelgorskiego


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Posted 13 July 2023 - 12:13 PM

Dear Engineers,


I have an issue to determine whether we need to certify by ASME the dryer which we deliver to USA.

Machine will be heated by hot water. Temperature of the heating water it will be 80/90 degC. Pumping pressure to the rotor 1 to 3 bar.


Please see below rotor which will be heated. Water will flow from one side and it will go out from other side.




Thank you for help.


Edited by Orzelgorskiego, 13 July 2023 - 12:14 PM.

#2 snickster


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Posted 13 July 2023 - 07:19 PM

If this is process equipment to be installed in a process plant such as a chemical plant, refinery or O&G facility then at least it would need to be designed to ASME B&PV Code for vessels or ASME B31 standards for piping to set some kind of quality requirements as most design engineers would prefer/require a pressure containing component  in a process plant to at least be designed to these, but likely not required to be stamped.


If this is a piece of equipment to be installed in an commercial or industrial building then you should refer to the state, city and local building codes.  Alot of juridictions write their building codes around the International Building Code (IBC), and associated International Mechanical Code (IMC), International Fire Code (IFC), International Plumbing Code (IPC), etc., so take a look at these.  The actual state, city and local codes are available over the internet.

Edited by snickster, 13 July 2023 - 07:29 PM.

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