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Which Data Are Necessary In Basic Design Of Internal Floating Roof Tan

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#1 AnbIran


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Posted 29 August 2023 - 03:05 AM

Hi every one,

I have a question about some items of data sheet of internal floating roof  datasheet for basic design stage.


Are filling and emptying rate are necessary for preparation of datasheets of these storage tanks ?

which fluid properties should be embedded in datasheet of this type of tanks? for example in Tank software flash point, boiling point and density is required for designing atmospheric fixed roof tanks so it seems these data should be provided in basic design data sheet, but for internal roof storage tanks which type of fluid properties should be provided?


Does anyone has a typical basic design datasheet for internal floating roof tanks which shows which data should be provided?

Edited by AnbIran, 29 August 2023 - 03:09 AM.

#2 R_x


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Posted 29 August 2023 - 05:20 AM   Best Answer

To answer your first question: Yes, filling and emptying rates should be specified in the data sheet.
If your tank is being designed to API standard then API 650 version would be the go-to version. The link below is for info - see Appendix L (although not the latest version of the standard).

#3 breizh


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Posted 30 August 2023 - 04:08 AM


Consider his resource from Art Montemayor. Let you dig into it.


#4 AnbIran


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Posted 11 September 2023 - 05:15 AM

thanks my friends

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