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Associated Gas Recovery Design Optimisation

flare purging sweep separation optimisation air ingress nitrogen husa api 521 recovery

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#1 justin hubert

justin hubert

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Posted 10 September 2023 - 08:15 AM

Hello everyone 

currently working on a project of associated gas recovery ,  those gases were flared , so the gas exit is directly routed to burn pit ( horizontal flare )

the project consists of incorporating a tie in from gas outlet , to compression station , with a 2" outlet equipped with RO for sweep gas  

knowing that the compression station will be equiped with a brand new flare header , i suggested that we actually delete the part where we use the


15 years old headers , and use the new flare for any flaring operation , this would reduce the purge rates to 1 purge flow for every separation center 


( knowing that every separation center has 2 separators and each separator has its own flare header with the first design we had to maintain purge 


for every header using methane gas ( there's no available nitrogen ) 

the drawing bellow will put you in the picture 



thank you everyone 

Edited by dadousasuke, 10 September 2023 - 08:17 AM.

#2 Pilesar


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Posted 10 September 2023 - 08:54 PM

I did not see a question. The plan looks okay to me (if I understand it correctly) as long as the capacity is adequate and back pressure is acceptable. Those responsible for environmental permits should review the plan. What would it take to keep the old header functional and unused but available if needed during future maintenance of the new system?

#3 shvet1


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Posted 11 September 2023 - 12:07 AM

I have some experience with flare gas recovery. Your design seems odd and unreasonable. As for me design should be more simple and obvious than such is. Can you explain a logic behind such design and provide detailed and extended PFD?

Edited by shvet1, 11 September 2023 - 12:07 AM.

#4 justin hubert

justin hubert

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Posted 11 September 2023 - 04:26 AM

the existing design : gas outlet => pressure control valve => to burn pit for flaring 

the new design ( still in engineering phase ) : => gas outlet => branch connection => pressure control valve => to compression station => small branch connection with RO to existing flare for purge gas to avoid air ingress 

what i'm suggesting => to completely delete the existing flare lines to minimize purging and in case of maintenance or shutdown of the separators ,  the gases are directed to the compression station for flaring there 

i hope the picture is clear now

#5 shvet1


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Posted 11 September 2023 - 09:13 AM

What does CV control? Picture is still unclear, P&ID is preferred.

#6 justin hubert

justin hubert

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Posted 11 September 2023 - 09:20 AM

here's the p&id of the initial design 


what possible modification / optimisation can be suggested ? 

thank you 

#7 shvet1


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Posted 11 September 2023 - 09:31 AM


page not found

#8 justin hubert

justin hubert

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Posted 11 September 2023 - 09:49 AM


#9 shvet1


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Posted 11 September 2023 - 11:12 PM

P&ID is still unclear because of low resolution, spanish labels/tags, only expansion is shown, compressors are not shown. It takes 15 min to draw such P&ID by hand. Do you not spend efforts&time on info providing and is supposing forummemebers to spend their efforts&time on a valuable advice?

As for me 2/3 of this scheme is able to be deleted with no negative consequences. Such design seems odd and redundant as I do not understand a logic/reasons behind this.


Too little info for a good advise. Suggestion - chat with a designer and discuss in details every element of this scheme. 


Overpressure relief from compressor discharge is able to be sent to flare or KO drum depending on recovery rate.

Attached Files

Edited by shvet1, 18 September 2023 - 11:45 PM.

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