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Chemical Reaction Engineering

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#1 Gatsavida


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Posted 28 November 2023 - 01:11 PM

Hello everyone,


I'm a chemical engineering student and I am having trouble solving example questions on my chemical reaction engineering module about catalyst deactivation. Would really appreciate the help if anyone could explain how to solve the following question. Thank you


The reaction 2A → B is second-order liquid-phase, catalysed, of rate rkAm[A] . The products tends to degrade (B → C) and produces coke on the surface of the catalyst, leading to series deactivation of rate


r≡1/Am*[dAm]/dt = kf [B]


a) Find the steady state concentrations of [A] and [B] from the (note that it is quasi-steady; ignore the amount of B consumed by the second reaction).

B) Find Am(t) if [B] changes with time.
c) Design a schedule for the flow rate that keeps [A] and [B] steady.


#2 latexman


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Posted 28 November 2023 - 01:32 PM

Sorry, we do not do your homework.  What textbook are you using?

#3 breizh


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Posted 28 November 2023 - 11:22 PM


Better to define the terms in the query.

Probably a good start would be to show us your work and tell us your difficulties.

We are happy to support you but don't expect us to do your homework.


Check this link above /scroll down in the link (module 1 lectures 11,12  catalyst deactivation) NPTEL. Nice presentation of the problem on Youtube.

Good luck.


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