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Simulating Solubility Of Ammonia Gas In Water

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#1 abdullahq7


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Posted 30 January 2024 - 04:48 PM

Hi everyone, I am new to HYSYS and am trying to simulate a condenser in which superheated steam, containing ammonia, Ammonium nitrate, and water is entering a condenser. Process water is then injected into the condenser to reduce the temperature to around the point of saturation for the steam (which is around 153C for the operating pressure within the condenser). This will result in a condensate which now contains dissolved ammonia and Ammonium nitrate which can exit as a liquid phase from the condenser. I am using the RK-SOAVE fluid package as it seems to be working best for the ammonia-water. However, I was wondering if anyone could guide me as to how to simulate the dissolution of ammonia and Ammonium Nitrate gas in the water. So far, I have looked into the flash drum unit operation but I am not certain how I would achieve my results. Thank you!

#2 Bobby Strain

Bobby Strain

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Posted 30 January 2024 - 05:15 PM

Did you read the HYSYS manual? Or visit AspenTech's support site?



#3 PaoloPemi


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Posted 31 January 2024 - 02:28 AM

ammonium nitrate is very soluble in boiling water but make sure to adopt suitable thermodynamic models to obtain reliable results, I have a different software (Prode Properties) which can model solids  but without considering solidification, perhaps you can force ammonium nitrate  in liquid phase... however take care to possible problems in heat exchanger... to model water-ammonia SRK requires specific BIPS, as alternative you may consider a EOS with complex mixing rules as PRX +NRTL etc...



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