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Aspen Edr Error Data Base

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#1 adrich91


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Posted 31 January 2024 - 02:59 PM

Hello, good evening,
I am writing to you because yesterday I was working with Aspen EDR sizing a pressure vessel and today when I went to run the program I got the following error (attached and also in this URL)
It won't let me change the location since it gives me error that I don't have permissions to write (and I don't know why, since I am administrator).
What can I do? Only EDR fails me, aspen plus, hysys...etc works correctly :S. I've tried repairing, uninstalling EDR and it doesn't work.... I am already desperate.

#2 Pilesar


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Posted 31 January 2024 - 05:54 PM

AspenTech has a support team dedicated to resolving user problems with their software. They are best prepared to assist. You are not the only one who has trouble with EDR.

#3 adrich91


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Posted 01 February 2024 - 03:37 PM

I cannot register in the Aspen Tech forum since my software is not official.. :(

Anyone has any idea to solve this problem?

#4 latexman


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Posted 01 February 2024 - 06:22 PM

AspenTech will gladly sell you a license.

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