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How To Defile Solar Energy Technologies In Aspen Plus?

solar energy simulation dynamic process aspen plus

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#1 m.ghaziasgar


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Posted 11 February 2024 - 02:17 AM

Hi everyone.


I have a challenge to overcome, and this is: finding a way that can change the reboiler duty in an absorption column. Actually, the thermal load of the absorption column is being satisfied by solar energy, and since solar radiation varies throughout the day, I want to find a way to apply 8760 different reboiler duties (representing the amount of energy produced by the sun for 1 year with hourly time resolution) and obtain results.


I don’t know how this is possible. Should I necessarily use Aspen Dynamics? Should I define a User-Defined Model and code it myself? Or should I focus on the ‘Utility’ of the column reboiler?


I would appreciate it if you could share your thoughts concerning this challenge.


#2 Estiqaatsi


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Posted 13 February 2024 - 07:33 AM   Best Answer

you have necessarily to go for an energy storage system. you cannot just give the reboiler an uncontrolled input. so in my opinion the first steps should be:

- evaluate the input radiation of the place you are considering (start with yearly total)

- evaluate the surface needed for the panels --> do you have the space to install them?

- evaluate which energy storage system is applicable (and there you need some evaluation of the seasonal and daily variations)

it is quite likely that at this point you will realize that this kind of energy supply is not applicable.


all these evaluations come before any Aspen simulation

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