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Firewater Demand Calculation

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#1 untouchables


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Posted 14 February 2024 - 03:54 AM

Can someone assist to list or enumerate the steps/procedure for calculating firewater demand for a vessel (Separator)? Especially pertaining to determining the number of sprinklers, It's kind of unclear whether to assume k factor and calculate Q flowrate per sprinkler. Also how is the area covered by one sprinkler determined? from a chart? by calculation?


I am unable to piece a few things together, so I need some clarifications, guide, assistance. A step wise procedure/method will be highly appreciated.


Thank you>

#2 breizh


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Posted 14 February 2024 - 04:41 AM


I don't know your role within your organization, you should consult peers or senior management to support your work.

Attached documents from insurance broker taking care of facilities around the world. 

By the way did your try Google and NFPA standards?

Note: We are here to support on specific questions, not more.

Not knowing the availability of the fire brigade at your place, you should contact the fire brigade department for their requirement in term of water capacity and other needs. For sure they will direct you to the right standard .


Good luck


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#3 untouchables


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Posted 15 February 2024 - 10:33 AM

Thank you for the response and references. Quite helpful.

#4 breizh


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Posted 15 February 2024 - 09:16 PM


You may want to have a look at Canute software, use your favorite search engine, videos are available on Youtube  Channel.

Good luck,


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