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Mtbe Process Flow Diagram Master Thesis.

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#1 sayoub


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Posted 15 February 2024 - 07:14 AM

I wanted some help as a master thesis student, I have project to work on synthesis of MTBE. Does anyone have a process flow diagram which they can support me with. The project will be design and optimization of the mtbe facility. I have looked at some papers they focus on the last part etherification reaction of isobutylene & methanol,however, I was looking also at previous steps like isomerization of butane followed by dehydrogenation reaction giving isobutylene.

Edited by latexman, 16 February 2024 - 07:32 AM.

#2 latexman


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Posted 15 February 2024 - 07:56 AM

Have you used an AI search engine, like Bing Copilot, for this question?  If not, I think you will be pleased with that result.  There is a good bit of information on the MTBE processes out in the public domain already.  This site's Guidelines / Rules for Posting , especially # 7, restrict us from transferring copyrighted materials, and most folks here apply the same principal to proprietary materials.  IMO, some folks may, or may not, consider a PFD of MTBE process to be proprietary.  I'm not in that business, so I don't know where they draw the line.  Anyway, I don't think you'll get a response, so was offering an alternative.

#3 sayoub


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Posted 15 February 2024 - 08:45 AM

I have not checked it out yet, I thought as its a known process a general PFD will be available not getting into much details surely.

thank you for your response 

#4 gegio1960


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Posted 15 February 2024 - 10:38 AM

I share Latexman position.

Just for general knowledge, you can find attached a BFD and a PFD of two different licensors.

Anyway, if you have more specific questions don't hesitate to ask: maybe someone will answer.

Good luck!

Attached Files

#5 shvet1


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Posted 15 February 2024 - 11:00 PM


Edited by latexman, 16 February 2024 - 07:34 AM.

#6 Art Montemayor

Art Montemayor

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Posted 27 March 2024 - 03:02 PM



In 2003 I helped one of our Student members from Spain in his formal thesis related to the design of an MTBE process plant.  He succeeded in his endeavor at the University of Salamanca - one of the oldest universities in Spain.  As an act of gratitude, he sent me his complete work in a formal printed, 150-page bound book as well as in a CD.  This work contains all the calculations, sketches, drawings, tables, background, and formal written presentation of all the work effort that went into his product - all subjected to review and detailed questions and inquiries.


This includes the basic flow diagram.  The product is in Spanish.  If you are interested I can try to send you a copy of the flow diagram used to generate all the subsequent related calculations.


At present I am 100% dedicated as a caregiver to my wife of 62 years who has medical care needs.  I have entered the Forums again due to a rare availability of free time while my wife rests, so I have had time to read your thread.  Let me know if I can help - but tell us your time schedule or deadlines.

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