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Issue With Vacuum

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#1 Aksu007


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Posted 29 February 2024 - 06:12 AM

In our Vacuum unit, in only one Train we are facing the problem with Vacuum breaking intermittently from the past 2 months or so. And the point to note here is this train was under S/D in October 2023 only and again started on November 1st and from December 31st 2023 we are facing this issue.So, what maybe the issue, please help

#2 breizh


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Posted 29 February 2024 - 06:57 AM


What is the equipment used to pull vacuum?

Can you share a record, Pressure vs Time?

What actions are taken by operators to recover the vacuum?

Can you give some information about the products and split top/bottom and operating conditions?

Can we ask for a PID/PFD?

What type of operation were done during S/D? 


#3 latexman


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Posted 29 February 2024 - 06:59 AM

More details = better replies.


Describe in detail what you mean by "problem with Vacuum (sic) breaking intermittently".  You have given us . . . nothing.


SWAG - something is leaking in air or something is plugged.

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