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Variables That Affect Energy Consumption Of Methanol Plant

energy consumption

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#1 mobody


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Posted 15 May 2024 - 01:16 AM

Hello, what are the significant variables that will affect the energy consumption in methanol production plant using natural gas? Autothermal Reforming is used. E.g. Operating temperature in steam reformer

#2 Pilesar


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Posted 15 May 2024 - 09:24 AM

Energy is required to provide heat and to power equipment. Consider what would affect the heating requirement: feed flowrate, feed purity, feed mix (including steam to feed ratio), catalyst performance, reactor design. Once a stream is hot, it will need to be cooled somehow. Interchanging heat from a hot stream that needs cooling with a colder stream that needs heating can greatly reduce the heating utility use. Equipment power may not be as significant but compressors tend to require more power than pumps. Review all the places in the plant where energy is used. Each point requiring power can be made more or less efficient with the trade off of capital cost. 

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