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Carbon Capture Absorber Simulation

#aspen_plus #absorber #carbon

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#1 raisoturu


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Posted 21 May 2024 - 05:24 AM

Hi people, 

I am a  student, currently trying to go through carbon capture simulation for the course project, but for these 3 days stuck at absorber section. I use equilibrium calculation type and ELEC-NTRL method
my problems are:
1. The CO2 Capture Solvent is PrOH-EG-30%wt MEA (based on paper). But when I run the simulation, Most of PrOH and some of EG-MEA go along with the Flue gas. I am aware that BP of PrOH is 97 C while my absorber output <77C. 
things that I've been tried:
a. increase lean solvent & column pressure. It works to some extent, but I got warning since the Flue gas pressure is lower than column pressure. then if I also increase the FG pressure it wont work, bcs FG temp will increase and heat up the solvent (PrOH will evaporate)
b. applying cooler after absorber then make the recycle streams, this work, but its not realistic isnt it i should make cooler with stream output 27C, and also some of PrOH still go out with flue gas
2. Based on the same paper my CO2 loading capacity should be 0.47 mol CO2/ mol Solvent, I've calculated the need of solvents, but it turns out only small amount of CO2 bind to the lean solvent.
things that I've been tried:
a. increase the flow of solvent (even it will not same as paper) but it doesnt work
b. increase column pressure, doesnt work as well
and hereby my simplified simulation attached, i hope that i could get further assistance for this
thanks in advance

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