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Macro In Excel

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#1 Komak47


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Posted 15 July 2009 - 03:12 PM

I need a good tutorial for writing macro in excel. Any suggestion.

#2 AlertO


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Posted 15 July 2009 - 10:57 PM

Now, there are many Excel books describing about Macro in Exel; However, you can find some in internet e.g. Click

Hope it's useful

#3 Padmakar Katre

Padmakar Katre

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Posted 17 July 2009 - 08:58 AM

QUOTE (Komak47 @ Jul 16 2009, 01:42 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I need a good tutorial for writing macro in excel. Any suggestion.

I think you will get better replies if you post this question in some IT/Software related forums and not here. Anyways you can search with Mcros in MS Excel name in google and you will get useful links. All the best.

#4 latexman


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Posted 17 July 2009 - 09:33 AM

QUOTE (Komak47 @ Jul 15 2009, 03:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I need a good tutorial for writing macro in excel. Any suggestion.

Excel has the ability to record every keystroke you make into a macro. I found doing that and then analyzing the resulting macro for code was a great way to learn. Excel adds in a lot of extra code when you do this, but you can pick out the essentials. Try it.

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