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Chemical and Process Engineering Resources

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Category: Refining
Question: What usually happens to benzene that is removed from gasoline during the refining process?
Keywords: v1i15,refining,benzene,uses,process,bensat,uop
Answer: Refiners typically have several options. Three (3) of the more popular options include:A. Use an extraction unit to purify the benzene in a benzene-rich stream and sell as petrochemical-grade benzene.B. If a propylene feedstock is available, alkylation of the benzene to produce cumene is an attractive option. The cumene is then used to produce phenol and acetone.Note: An earlier use of cumene was as an aviation fuel because of its high octane value.C. A third option is to use an isomerization unit to saturate the benzene with hydrogen to produce cyclohexane. The UOP Bensat process is one such example.
Links: UOP Bensat Process