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Determining Potential Natural Gas Liquids (Ngl) In A Natural Gas Stream

Determining Potential Natural Gas Liquids (Ngl) In A Natural Gas Stream Dear All,

The amount of potentially recoverable NGL based from a natural gas stream can be estimated from the following formula:

Potential NGL component (tons per annum) = V*y*CF
V = Volume flow rate of natural gas, MMSm3/day (Std conditions are P= 1.01325 bara, T = 288.15K)
Note: MM= Million
y = mole percent of the component in natural gas
CF = Component factor (see table below)

Attached Image

Example: 3 MMSCMD of NG is available for processing. This gas contains 5.4% mol propane. What is the potential propane recovery from the NG?

Potential Propane Recovery (w/o Recovery factor and plant on-stream factor) = 3*5.4*6800 = 110160 t/a

Considering a plant recovery factor of 70% and plant on-stream factor of 335 days, the average propane recovery per annum would be:

110160*0.7*(335/365) = 70,770 tons per annum (t/a)

That is all for today. Any comments are welcome.


The component factor looks like the density of the gas at standard conditions isn't it ?

The component factor looks like the density of the gas at standard conditions isn't it ?

I don't think so. Not at least in conventional density units such as kg/m3. What I have written is referenced from Shell manual.




The figures seem to be estimated from the (1) volume rate in 10^6 Sm3/d (2) number of days a year, 365 d/y (3) molecular volume 23,645 Sm3/ton-mole (4) molecular mass, (MW) t/t-mole (5) concentration, C m% (5) and each recovery factor, f -  


Component Factor ≒ (10^6 Sm3/d)* (365 d/y)  / (23,645 Sm3/t-mole) * (MW t/t-mole) * ( C m%/100%) * (Recovery factor f, -) = 154.37*(MW)*©*(f)........(1)


C2:   4,642 f  = 4,600

C3:   6,940 f  = 6,800

C4:   8,972 f  = 9,000

C5:  11,137 f = 11,100

C6:  13,302 f =  13,300 


The component factors "CF" have the similar values as the products of (standard state molar density MW/Sm3) multiplied by the factor (10^6 *365 Sm3/y/100%), and some recovery factor, f  



Hi Stefano,

Explain CF with more clear examples and equation for CF calculations.

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