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Excel Spreadsheet For Inclined (Slope) Horizontal Cylinder?

calculation tank vessel volume cylinder cylindrical slope inclined inclination horizontal

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#1 Gnoom


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Posted 23 April 2019 - 03:05 PM

Hi all, 
I'm looking for the formulas (or even better, a spreadsheet) with which I can calculate the volume of liquid I have in a horizontal cylindrical tank, that is under a certain slope / inclination. I've got the math for a normal horizontal cylinder, but not when it is inclined. I did find some examples of the theory behind this. The most complete description I've seen was on this website:
But if anybody has a spreadsheet for me that can be shared, please do!

#2 Art Montemayor

Art Montemayor

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Posted 23 April 2019 - 09:03 PM

I developed my own vessel volume calculator - which you can find in our Forum library for downloading - some years ago.  During that time I found one man, Dan Jones, a PhD chemist in Louisiana who had developed an excel file calculator for inclined cylindrical tank volumes.  I thought the idea was interesting, but I couldn't for the life of me imagine why anyone would tolerate an inclined storage tank - so I never followed up with Dan.


I don't know if Dan still works, but in 2002 he was a senior process chemist for Stockhausen Louisiana, LLC, Garyville, LA.  You could email him at Dan.Jones@degussa.com at that time.  As I said, I don't know if he still works or is still there.  If not, try: dr2jones@bellsouth.net

#3 breizh


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Posted 23 April 2019 - 09:08 PM


Did you try your favorite search engine ?

I remember a software named arachnoid , very powerful tool .

Download Tank calc on the same page .


good luck



Edited by breizh, 23 April 2019 - 09:13 PM.

#4 Gnoom


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Posted 24 April 2019 - 03:05 AM

Hi Art; Normally you wouldn't want an inclined storage tank, but sometimes on ships you canĀ“t help it  :D .


Hi Breizh; I tried searching a lot, but no luck so far. I've had a look on the website you indicated and download the tankcalc, works fine! So that helps me a lot, even though I would like to have the formulas behind it to implement in a spread sheet. But the again, when reading the explanation behind the calculations done in this software, I guess that there are no good / easy straight-forward formulas for the sloped version of the tank:


"A numerical integrator relies on many repetitions of a comparatively simple mathematical operation, and numerical integration only exists in its present form because of cheap computer power. In TankCalc, the simple mathematical operation is to find the partial area of a circle (see figure 3), over and over again, along the axis of a storage tank."

#5 breizh


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Posted 24 April 2019 - 06:55 AM


You should acknowledge that the math are not so simple . As long you got the tool and the results I do believe it should suffice .

Other option establish with tank calc a table of the tank and  then approximate these data to a polynomial function  using excel , straightforward . Increase the degree until you are satisfied with the precision.

My view 


Edited by breizh, 24 April 2019 - 07:40 AM.

#6 thorium90


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Posted 24 April 2019 - 07:28 AM

Does this tank actually exist now or its just a hypothetical tank?


If its just a hypothetical tank, you can draw what you want in Autocad, then use the "massprop" function to get the volume.

Edited by thorium90, 24 April 2019 - 07:34 AM.

#7 Gnoom


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Posted 25 April 2019 - 03:08 AM

Hi Thorium, it does exist, installed on ship that (when transporting different cargo) can have variation in trim / draft, which would mean a different angle of the tank. The tankcalc software recommended by breizh works fine for what I need. 

#8 MrShorty


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Posted 25 April 2019 - 09:41 AM

I guess that there are no good / easy straight-forward formulas for the sloped version of the tank:
It maybe depends on what you mean by "good/easy straight-forward". It seems fairly straight-forward to me:


1) the area of a circle segment is straightforward: https://www.mathopen...mentareaht.html

2) You then need an expression (or expressions) for H as a function of z (length along the cylinder as shown in lmnoeng page). I expect this is easiest if you are measuring H perpendicular to the cell wall rather than perpendicular to the fluid surface.

3) You then have an expression for A(H(z)). Volume is the integral of that expression from z=0 to z=L. It seems easiest to set up your spreadsheet to compute a simple Riemann sum and numerically integrate the function. I wouldn't even think of trying to cram that calculation into a single cell, but, using a few thousand cells (in a sheet with 1E6x16000 cells, a few thousand is not that many), it should be fairly straight-forward to get a good Riemann sum estimate for the triple integral/volume.


What do you think? Are you up to this kind of programming?

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