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Flow Tubing Head Pressure (Fthp) Definition ?

fthp flow tubing head pressure pressure choke well head well oil gas

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#1 rs20170808@gmail.com


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Posted 31 January 2021 - 12:33 AM

Is the Flow Tubing Head Pressure (FTHP) downstream or upstream of the well head choke valve?
What is the pressure downstream of the well head choke valve called?

#2 Noah Tibasiima

Noah Tibasiima

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Posted 31 January 2021 - 12:14 PM

FTHP is upstream the choke. I do not think the pressure downstream the choke has a name however I am certain that its value is lower than FTHP due to the pressure section breaks.

#3 Paolo Paoli

Paolo Paoli

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Posted 03 December 2023 - 12:49 AM


Is the Flow Tubing Head Pressure (FTHP) downstream or upstream of the well head choke valve?
What is the pressure downstream of the well head choke valve called?


Hello, I worked for 40 years in an oil company and we used FTHP to define the "Flowing tubing head pressure". In practice, the dynamic pressure of the well under normal delivery conditions.
On the other hand, we indicated the STHP "Static tubing head pressure" as the well pressure with the valve closed for at least 24 hours

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