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Hot Insulation

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#1 Lyne


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Posted 14 April 2024 - 08:28 AM

Hi everyone!

Please in an EPC project, who specifies and calculates the hot insulation material and thickness for piping and equipments, is it a process engineer responsibility? I mean a process engineer can do it but is it his responsibility? I'm a junior engineer who still learning her scope of work limitations

Thank you!

#2 Pilesar


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Posted 14 April 2024 - 08:37 AM

In my experience, equipment thickness is by mechanical engineer with process engineer helping specify design conditions. Insulation material and thickness can be by process engineer. There is often a table or chart for plant insulation application standards. Sometimes operations, maintenance, and piping engineers have preference on insulation type for corrosion or other reasons. In general, process engineer signs off on P&IDs so should be comfortable with the selections if not directly calculating everything included on the P&ID. Company practice sets the responsibilities.

#3 shvet1


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Posted 14 April 2024 - 11:14 PM

piping engineer

#4 fallah


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Posted 14 April 2024 - 11:19 PM

Please in an EPC project, who specifies and calculates the hot insulation material and thickness for piping and equipments, is it a process engineer responsibility? I mean a process engineer can do it but is it his responsibility? I'm a junior engineer who still learning her scope of work limitations




Piping engineer, helped by mechanical engineer, normally prepares a document titled "Specification for Insulation" contains the tabulated info of required insulations based on the temperature ranges and piping/equipment sizes. Process engineer specifies at first the necessity of insulation for each line/equipment and then the type of required insulation based on mentioned prepared specification.

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