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Certifications Useful For Job Applications

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#1 IluvChem


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Posted 28 May 2024 - 11:33 AM


I'm currently a rising senior majoring in chemical engineering at a recognized university.
What are some useful and recognized chemical engineering certifications to have in hand when applying for job for the first time? 

#2 latexman


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Posted 28 May 2024 - 01:30 PM

I had offer letters in the February-March time frame, and all I could give them was my transcripts (minus my senior Spring semester, of course), and the promise that'd I'd earn my BSChE, which I did.  IIRC, I did take, and pass, the FE (EIT) exam my senior Spring semester too.


I did have a couple scholarships.  And, I worked summers (not in the chemical industry, but back home where I could stay with my parents for free) and I had paid for all my college expenses, such that I had no student loans.  There was no money from the parents; they couldn't afford it.  I made those things clear to them on interviews so they knew I was committed and hard working.

#3 Pilesar


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Posted 28 May 2024 - 03:00 PM

If you are in the United States and a citizen, then employers do not expect certifications other than a college degree for new graduates. Spend your efforts in developing industry contacts and searching for your first job instead of extra certifications. Some work experience is very helpful. Many employers give weight to a candidate's demographic category to improve the company diversity scores. I understand that other countries find more value in certifications. If you seek a job using process simulation then the Aspen User Certification Program may be a possibility:  https://www.aspentec...ication-program but this would not be easy and I would not spend the effort for any certifications as a student with the exception of the exam to become an Engineer In Training.

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