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Calculate Necessary Refrigerating Load For Solvent Recovery

btu solvent recovery calculation butane liquid chiller temperature

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#1 gastank


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Posted 12 July 2017 - 03:16 PM

Hello everyone,


I am currently having some head scratching trouble going over a cooling calculation to achieve optimal recovery of a solvent.


The machine i am dealing with has a flow of 80lbs/hr of N-Butane at 65°C and runs through a shell&tube heat exchanger that has 30' of 3/8" coil in a 24"x3.5" shell.


The solvent has to be converted back to liquid (cooled to 0°C) and sent to its recovery tank.


The true issue i am having is calculating the cooling BTU capacity that i need in order to size a glycol refrigerated circulating chiller with enough cooling capacity to keep up with the volume of solvent.



If you have any advice i would really, really appreciate it.



Thank you!

#2 Art Montemayor

Art Montemayor

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Posted 13 July 2017 - 06:41 PM

Are you a student?  You don’t explain this simple application very well.

Why are you posting in the Refining Forum?


You say you have 80 lbs/hr of N-butane at 65 °C (but you fail to state at what pressure and the fact that it is in the vapor state) and you want to condense it.  Then you state that the solvent is to be condensed.  Is the N-butane the solvent you are referring to?


All you have to do is remove the sensible heat PLUS the heat of vaporization for the N-butane at the conditions of temperature and pressure it is at.  You find these heats by referring to a thermodynamic data base like http://webbook.nist....hemistry/fluid/.


If you are a student, that may explain that you lack some thermo background and refrigeration theory.

#3 gastank


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Posted 13 July 2017 - 11:40 PM

Hello Art,


First of all, thank you very much for your helpful time.

And yes, I am a student and i apologize for the lack of details / missing information.


The N-Butane flows at 80 lbs/hr at 25 psi, in vapor state at 65 C and the final achievement would be to effectively condensate the N-Butane and recover it inside of a recovery tank in liquid state.


I truly appreciate the web reference and i will be reading it now.



Thank you again

#4 breizh


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Posted 15 July 2017 - 04:10 AM

hi ,

To better understand the process you should consider Mollier diagram for your product .

Google Mollier diagram N butane .





http://folk.ntnu.no/...-Butane col.pdf




hope this helps



Edited by breizh, 15 July 2017 - 06:24 AM.

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