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Thermalox Sizing Cases

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#1 amarhb


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Posted 02 November 2023 - 05:13 AM

Hello everyone, 


I am currently trying to size a thermal oxydizer that received gases from tanks. 


Theses gases are mainly vents from tanks that has condendate composition and are blancketing with Nitrogen


Client has requested the design to be based on two scenarios : 


1 - Normal venting 

2 - Venting during Maintenance, shutdown, and startup 


Now I am currently not knowing how to define composition for the second scenario !


Any thoughts ? 


Bets regards, 

#2 breizh


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Posted 02 November 2023 - 05:50 AM


You should ask vendor to provide figures or detailed scenario (case 2).

To me it should be 2 types of equipment, one for normal operation and one for case 2, not necessarily a permanent equipment. Companies are supplying equipment to rent.

My view only


#3 amarhb


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Posted 02 November 2023 - 05:53 AM

Hello Beizh, 


Thank you for your answer.


We have the composition for case 1; Actually It is the vendor himself who has asked us for the composition of the Case 2 scenario !


Scenario 2 is vent composition when upstream equipment are in Maintenance, Startup or shutdown. 


Should we run dynamic simulation ? Is there any assumptions we can make ? 


Thank you, 

#4 breizh


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Posted 02 November 2023 - 05:57 AM


Please read client instead of vendor.


#5 amarhb


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Posted 02 November 2023 - 07:08 AM



The sizing cases was imposed by the client. But we've sent the inquiry to vendors and one of them asked us the composition for case 2 scenario (which we put on hold since we don't have data). 



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