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Sizing Of Vertical/horizontal Flash Drum

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#1 Mohammad3799


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Posted 10 March 2024 - 04:52 PM


I know for the calculation of a separator diameter, it is recommended to use Souders-Brown equation in which the k-factor is around 0.107. But I am completely confused about how to calculate the height of the separator. I am very thankful if someone let me know how to do this calculation. Is it possible to use the property of quick sizing of the Aspen HYSYS in its rating tab to do the calculation?

Thank you

#2 breizh


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Posted 10 March 2024 - 10:12 PM


Try this calculator:

CheCalc ‐ Equipment


Get a copy of GPSA to support your work.

If you use the search engine in this forum, you will see references from Bobby with link to his website.

Good luck


#3 shvet1


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Posted 11 March 2024 - 08:51 AM

What does this separator separate? Where is it installed? What for are the calculation results going to be used? Who recommended to use Souders-Brown equation?





Edited by shvet1, 11 March 2024 - 08:51 AM.

#4 Bobby Strain

Bobby Strain

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Posted 11 March 2024 - 11:42 AM

Here is a site with lots of calculations. But I can't vouch for any of them. You will need to verify calculations yourself.


https://www.enground.com/   I believe separators here use GPA procedures.


Please note that most available calculations use the same set of equations that are readily understood. It's the criteria that matters! And most use what I call "poke & hope". And it's impossible to determine equations in a spreadsheet using cell formulas. And most online calculations use Java Script which is jumble except to the developer.



I recently completed a desktop application for sizing vertical separators. I will post it on my website in the next several days for download. You only need to register and login for access. It's for US units only. There are already online apps for SI units. No login is required. With all, there is an Excel workbook to produce a datasheet complete with drawing from the results. And there is lots of other stuff, too. If you download them and use them, and you experience any problems, let me know via email. My website URL is in my profile.


The sample provided for horizontal separator has not been updated for a few years, but the sizing is pretty good. Check it out!



Edited by Bobby Strain, 11 March 2024 - 10:46 PM.

#5 Bobby Strain

Bobby Strain

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Posted 12 March 2024 - 03:55 PM

It is now posted.



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