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Tsv Line Sizing

safety valve

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#1 duongle


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Posted 28 May 2024 - 09:28 AM

Hi everyone,

I have a concern about line sizing of TSV. As I know, Mach number is used as a condition for re-check line size of PSV outlet. So, how's about TSV? I wonder if TSV is really necessary to calculate Mach number for checking line size or not.


Besides, if having any standards show that defining Mach number for both PSV and TSV is must have, please tell me. 

I'm so grateful for your support.

#2 latexman


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Posted 28 May 2024 - 09:47 AM

More details = better replies.


What does TSV mean?  What is your worst case scenario?  Inlet conditions (P, T, components)?  Set pressure?  Or set temperature???  Outlet P?


I don't know about a specific re-check for Mach number, but in my jurisdiction (USA) the ASME Code does require (i.e. mandatory) the inlet and outlet pressure drop to meet certain criteria, which can change (outlet) depending on the type of safety valve (conventional, bellows, pilot operated).  In making this mandatory check on inlet and outlet pressure drop, I'm sure Mach number will get calculated IF gas/vapor is present and velocity gets high.  But, Mach number is not the Code requirement, pressure drop is.

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