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Renewable Energy

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An introduction to sustainable energy

Learning unit from The Open University, provides an introductory overview of the present energy systems and takes a brief look at where the world may find energy in the future.


Revisiting Solar Power's Past

By Charles Smith, history of the direct conversion of solar radiation into mechanical power.


The Current Status of Renewable Energy Technologies

Paper by Professor W W S Charters, University of Melbourne, a brief overview of the current technological and economic status of a range of renewable energy sources.


Renewable Energy Basics

From the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, a primer on renewable energy.


Renewable Energy Design Guide & Catalog

Offers design information and equipment for use of solar, wind and water power at home.



Australian company that intends to build the world’s first large-scale solar chimney power station. The Web site has information about the project and a short Quicktime video.


Solar Energy Basics

Information about photovoltaic systems, concentrating solar systems, passive solar heating and more, from the U.S. National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL).


Renewable Energy Annual

Report from the EIA with data on renewable energy consumption and capacity in the United States (biomass, municipal solid waste, geothermal, wind, and solar). Available both in HTML and PDF format.


Glossary of Energy Terms

From the California Energy Commission, an alphabetical listing of terms related to energy in its various forms.


Hydroelectric and Other Renewable Resources

Chapter of the International Energy Outlook 2001 about status and outlook for the worldwide renewable energy use.


Future Technologies and Commercial Reality

Paper by Dr J R Williams, Chief Executive Officer and Chairman, Shell Australia Ltd., how the energy system might develop and the role that might be played by alternative renewable sources.
