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Chemical Engineering Students ask your questions in this forum.

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Final Composition Calculati... - last post by breizh

Industrial Professionals

Industrial Professionals enter your questions in this forum.

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Steam Carrying Liquid From... - last post by PingPong

Student - Espanol

Spanish version of the student forum.

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Acumulador De Vapor En Una... - last post by Valeriacortez11

Industrial Professionals - Espanol

Spanish version of the Industrial Professionals forum.

  • 204 topics
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Ethylene Tanks Cctv For Lea... - last post by latexman

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Process Heat Transfer

Discussions related specifically to industrial heat transfer and heat exchangers.

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Need Help For Utility Flow... - last post by Asisr

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Relief Devices Forum

Discuss pressure relief devices in this forum.

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Relief Rate On Heat Exchang... - last post by latexman

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Refining, Hydrocarbons, Oil, and Gas

Discussions related to the refining, petroleum processing, oil, and gas.

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Coke Calcination - last post by breizh

Petroleum Refinery Planning and Optimization

Aspen PIMS (Process Industry Modeling System) is a leading PC-based linear programming software used by the petroleum and petrochemical industries.

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Caustic Tower - Acid Gas Sc... - last post by breizh

Toggle Tank Blanketing and Venting Tank Blanketing and Venting

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Tank Blanketing and Venting

Discuss tank blanketing and venting. This forum is hosted by Mr. Paul Ostand from www.ostand.com.

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Depressuring Rate Reaction... - last post by fallah

Toggle Safety and Chemical Processing Incidents Safety and Chemical Processing Incidents

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Safety and Chemical Processing Incidents

Discuss safety practices, near accidents, root-causes of plant accidents, or similar topics.

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Tsv Line Sizing - last post by latexman

Toggle Chemical Process Simulation Chemical Process Simulation

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Chemical Process Simulation

Discuss your simulation challenges and solutions here.

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Steam Mix - last post by kaidlut

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Packed Tower Design and Operation

Discussion Forum for Packed Tower Design and Operation

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Scrubber Design - last post by breizh

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Global Warming

Discuss issues pertaining to Global Warming in this forum

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Energy Generators - last post by rodroc

Overall View

Share your overall view on the future of the energy and chemical industries.

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Thermal Energy Storage System - last post by StealthProg

Power Industry

Discuss the future of the power generating industry.

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5000 Kl Hf Power Storage Tank - last post by raviknkiran

Transportation Technologies (Excluding Ethanol)

Discuss the next generation transportation technologies and fuels.

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Pipeline Startup - last post by Rnair

All Things Ethanol

Open forum to discuss topics related to ethanol.

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Pervaporation Membranes For... - last post by SophM

Biorefineries vs. Petrochemicals

Are biorefineries the future bedrock of the chemical industry?

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Career Query - last post by Chern

Free for All

Discuss any other topics related to the future of the energy/chemical industries.

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Propane Product Temperature... - last post by breizh

Toggle ChE Plus Forum ChE Plus Forum

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ChE Plus Forum

Message Forum for ChE Plus Subscribers only.

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Air Humidity Properties - last post by alaasleem2026

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