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Fluid Dynamics

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How can I calculate the sonic velocity of a gas stream?

How can I estimate a gas flow based on two pressure measurements?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of using gear pumps?

How can I estimate the efficiency of a pump?

What is a quick way to calculate frictional pressure drops in carbon steel pipe?

What is the best way to control a positive displacement pump?

How can one determine if a pipe is running full or is at its sealing flowrate?

How can I quickly estimate the horsepower of a pump?

What is a good estimate for the absolute roughness for epoxy lined carbon steel pipe?

What are some good references for sizing slurry lines?

For mixing with a circulation pump, what's a good rule of thumb to determine when the tank will be "well mixed"?

How is the NPSH (Net Positive Suction Head) calculated for a process vessel followed by a pump?

What are some factors to consider when trying to choose between a dry screw compressor and an oil-flooded screw compressor?

How can I determine the largest impeller that a pump can handle?

What is the significance of the minimum flow required by a pump?

Can I develop a new pump curve if changing a centrifugal pump from a water to a gasoline duty?

What are the affinity laws associated with dynamics pumps?

What is a good estimate for a roughness factor for a pipeline that is severly rusted?

How can one estimate how the friction factor changes in heat exchanger tubes with a change in temperature?

Is there a company out there that has extensive knowledge and experience in pumping sulfuric acid and molten sulfur?

Under what circumstances are vortex flowmeters the most accurate?

Where can I find a datasheet for a vacuum pump?

Is there a handy way to determine if a horizontal pipe is running full if the flow rate is known?

With only a few feet between an injection point and our next piece of equipment, I need to be sure proper mixing takes place. How can this be accomplished?

What type of pump may be appropriate for a liquid near saturation, a low flow rate, and very limited NPSHa (net positive suction head available)?