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What is the gasoline octane number?

How do I design a flare stack?

How does the petroleum industry define a "barrel"?

How long does it take to produce gasoline in a refinery?

What is the normal practice regarding location for the blending of ethanol in gasoline?

What are the consequences of allowing water to come in contact with gasoline that has been blended with ethanol?

Why is ethanol added to gasoline?

What is the Lo-cat Process?

Is it permissible to operate a multiproduct pipeline pumping gas oil ,gasoline and jet fuels. Is this permitted for pumping jetA1 fuel in the US?

Can flaring of light hydrocarbons (up to C4) be avoided in FCC startup?

What is the typical frequency for a flare inspection in a refinery?

What could be a possible cause for 35% Nitrogen being in our FCC dry gas?

What is the best way to measure the flow in flare stack?

What is a popular means of recycling or disposing of sludge in hydrocarbon storage tanks?

What is a good source of refinery capacities worldwide?

What's the best way to dispose of a dark slurry found in the bottom of a sour water tank in an FCC unit?

Any advice on retrofitting a main crude heater with a natural draft fallback system?

What are some possible causes of corrosion in line of heavy naptha from crude tower?

What is a feasible replacement for the CATACARB process for purifying hydrogen from a reforming plant?

What is a good source of information about catalyst cooler operation, reliability and design for fluidized catalytic crackers.

What parameters and tools do refiners use to measure two stage desalter performance?

How can I clean the inside of a sour water tank and still maintain a high degree of safety?

What are some potential causes of plugging in a waste water treatment unit seal drum?

What is an effective method of measuring flow in flare lines?

How can I prevent fouling of a FCC debutanizer reboiler on the process (gasoline) side?